

Exoplanet overview

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Was ist was: Universum – Geheimnisse des Universums

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Was ist was: Universum – Geheimnisse des Universums

Verlag: Tessloff
ISBN: 978-3-7886-2094-3

Altersgruppe: ab 10 Jahre, auch für Erwachsene noch interessant

Zusammenfassung: Wenn wir den Nachthimmel mit all seinen funkelnden Sternen und dem leuchtenden Band der Milchstraße bestaunen, sehen wir nur einen kleinen Teil unserer Galaxie. Doch das Universum ist weitaus größer. Schwarze Löcher, strahlende Nebel und explodierende Sterne stellen uns vor große Fragen. Wie begann das Universum? Warum dehnt es sich aus und wie wird seine Zukunft aussehen?

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by | May 8, 2024 | All,Detection methods,Exoplanet Overview | 0 Comments

The Spectrum of light and what it tells us One fundamental and essential tool in the study of exoplanets is the study of light spectra. It is useful to have an...

Exoplanet systems

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Credit: nasa.govDefinition: The planets of our Solar System are ordered a certain way: closest to the sun are the smaller, terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and...


by | Mar 10, 2023 | All,Astrometry,Detection methods | 0 Comments

How it works: Like the radial velocity method, this technique makes use of the fact that star and planet both orbit a shared center of mass. For systems that we look at...

Direct Imaging

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Without a lot of prior knowledge, upon hearing "discovering planets around other stars" most people would probably think something like this: Take a powerful telescope,...

Gravitational lensing

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How it works: According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, time and space are merged into one quantity called spacetime. Under this theory, massive objects...

Transit method

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Imaging an exoplanet directly is a difficult process that is only doable in a select few cases. Thus, we need indirect methods of detecting and studying these elusive...

Radial velocity method

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Because the direct imaging of planets around other stars is only feasible in select cases, the question arises: How, then, can we detect and study planets around other...

Neptune-sized planets

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On the grand size scale between massive gas giants and smaller super-Earths, we find a class of medium-sized planets: Worlds with masses roughly between ten and 60...


by | Mar 9, 2023 | All,Exoplanet Overview,Exoplanet types,Super-Earth | 0 Comments

Looking at all the planets of the Solar System arranged next to each other to scale, you can clearly see three categories: There’s the small rocky planets, with Earth...