Barbara Ercolano is a program comittee member of the SPP 1992.
She is Professor for Theoretical Astrophysics at the University Observatory Munich since December 2010.
Here she heads the Theoretical Star and Planet Formation Group (SPF Group). She also coordinates the Cluster of Excellence in Research Field F.
Ercolano conducts research on planet formation and protoplanetary disc evolution. She investigates the X-ray emission of the newborn star and its influence on the formation of planets. She is working on the role that X-ray photoevaporation plays in the expansion of the protoplanetary disc. Among other things, she is working on planet formation in the dust disc of TW Hydrae.
Ercolano received the Royal Astronomical Society’s Fowler Award for Early Career Achievement in Astronomy for her development of the Mocassin programme for the study of gas nebulae in astronomy.