Artie Hatzes is a program comittee member of the SPP 1992.
He is a US professor of astrophysics at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and director of the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg.
Hatzes is regarded as one of the pioneers in the search for exoplanets and is involved in the COROT space telescope mission. He has been conducting research in this field since 1998 and has established the radial velocity method in the search at the national observatory.
Hatzes discovered the exoplanets Pollux b, Epsilon Eridani b and the companion around HD 13189. Together with a COROT colleague, he also determined the mass of CoRoT-7 b, which at 4.8 Earth masses held the record for the lowest-mass exoplanet at the time and the first definitive terrestrial ever detected.